Living in this present time of chaotic and irrational mindsets can be challenging at best. It seems that the old phrase of common sense has become extremely uncommon. We must with certainly find time to press into a place of sanity and secure our relationship with the Lord. It is through our relationship with Jesus that we find the balance that is necessary for Spiritual sanity. If we seek this from the world we can find many option but none of these will bring us into the presence of the Lord.
A few months ago while seeking the Lord in a time of prayer and fasting the Lord began to download a powerful view into the near future. It is my understanding that this vision will take us through this year and into the early part of 2022. No matter what we do there must be a continuity between us and the will of God for our lives. This vision/word from the Lord came very unexpectedly one day while in prayer. Wait hold on Bro Jim you said "unexpectedly"? Yes unexpectedly, because I had been praying for several days and I didn't feel a presence, goose bump, or get any kind of prompting ahead of time. Just boom there is was these two words STRATEGIES and IDENTITIES.
God began to reveal to me that we must have a plan to reach beyond where we are right now or we will stay in the same place that we have been. He assured me th
at he is willing to provide everything that we need. That supply come with his grace. on our part we must be willing to be directed by His Spirit and change OUR plans, and receive instruction from Him. This is where the plan of God is revealed within us, not just to us but within us. Grasp hold of that part "within us" it is vital. As we accept these new strategies He will send people that will help us to accomplish the strategy laid before us. You see we don't have to understand everything just
be willing to be led. In a simultaneous motion God will begin to reveal identities in three levels.
Who we really are.
Who He says we are
Then He reveals us to the world around us
God begin to show me Jeremiah, Gideon, and Isaiah. all three of these when first called saw themselves, then the Lord showed them who he said they were. When they answered the call then and only then did the Identity of God rest on them. Get ready Church it is coming time for the church to shine, but only in His Glory never ours. #STILLKEEPINGTHEFAITH